In our class reading, "Descartes" we are introduced to the science behind the human emotions and laughter. Philosophical thinker, Descartes makes a controversial point that laughter usually stems from a place of ridicule and scorn. Even the laughter that stems from joy is because there are small traces of scorn attached to it. Furthermore, Descartes leaves us with, "And it is not wrong to laugh when we hear the jests of another; these jests may even be such that it would be difficult not to laugh at them; but when we ourselves jest, it is more fitting to abstain form laughter, in order not to seem to be surprised by the things that are said, nor to wonder at the ingenuity we show in inventing them. And that makes those who hear them all the more surprised" (Descartes 25). I think this idea is the most thought-provoking of them all, as I apply Descartes' philosophies to real life. How come we are so comfortable laughing at others, yet become sensitive and defen...