Sin of Lust

 During my reading of the second half of Hamilton, I was completely captivated on the scene entitled SAY NO TO THIS which depicts Hamilton's struggle about cheating on his wife with Maria Reynolds but ultimately falling into his desire of lust and then trying to hide the fact by paying James Reynolds. I personally believe that the scene holds great importance because it clearly depicts the weakness of the human mind as the ensemble acts as the voice of reason but Hamilton succumbs to his lust.

    To start off, Hamilton begins with a prayer to God to "show him how to/ Say no to this" invitation by Maria as "her legs spread and said stay" (176). Hamilton immediately going into prayer in order to try and resist his lust shows how quickly he became pulled into his lust because praying to God can often be seen as a last resort to people when everything else has failed and they put it up to the Lord's power to save them. In this specific case, we can infer that Hamilton's defenses (like his love for his wife) quickly broken down that he already had to resort to Lord as a possible way to stop him from cheating. In addition, the ensemble plays voice of reason as well as they constantly say to Hamilton "Say no to this", and "No No No" as a attempt to pull him out his lust (176). At this point we can see how weak Hamilton's mind is to lust as he had immediately resorted to prayer and God because he felt he couldn't hold himself back and he also had his own sense of reason yelling at him to stop. However, even with God and reason Hamilton's mind had still fallen into lust as he and "Reynolds kiss and embrace" each other (177). 

    The sin of lust had completely taken a hold of Hamilton that he had continued this relationship with Maria for  a "month" which goes to show at least in my opinion that how consumed we can be in our sins  even when we clearly know it is wrong choice. The reason for my understanding is that Hamilton clearly knew this was the improper and wrong choice to choose, because he had tried to stop himself with God and reason but since his mind is weaker to lust he committed adultery not once but multiple times over of a month. To be consumed in cheating and lust for that long is a ticking bomb when it is found out and James Reynolds's decision to allow Hamilton to keep seeing his "whore wife if the price is right" goes to show that there is always a sacrifice one has to take for sinning (177). Furthermore, I feel that Hamilton's love for his wife comes into question as well because at first he realizes that he is "ruined" because he got caught, but then he once again falls back into lust as he says "how can I say no to this" pleasure of sex that Maria gives him (178). To continuously cheat on his wife and even pay James Reynolds so that "nobody needs to know" shows that his weak mind had truly been overcomed with lust (179).

Overall, God and reason couldn't prevalent Hamilton from choosing to engage in Adultery with Maria which I believe shows how weak the human mind can be when faced with certain sins like lust and Adultery. Not even Hamilton who has a bright mind and knows right from wrong could make the right the decision to not engage with Maria in sexual acts, lust took a hold of him and he even went to lengths of paying James Reynolds to keep doing the act. Ultimately, I find value in this scene because it showcases easy it is for one to fall into a deep hole that they can't get themselves out before its too late and only seek to keep digging themselves deeper in. Furthermore, this scene serves a reminder for myself to keep a level head as much as I can and make sure to do the right decision rather than falling a pit of wrongdoings.


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